May-1: Flickr set has been updated with a portrait of each kitten at about three-and-a-half week old.
May-4: The kittens get their legs! Last night in the wee hours I heard a lot of mewing, murmuring and purring. I wouldn't exactly call it a commotion but as I drifted in and out of a peaceful sleep I got the impression that something was happening. Apparently Juno had decided that it was time to move the kittens from their shelf in the sewing room and decided that under the bed would be an OK spot for their new home. I'm not sure if it was because it was too hot in the previous location (we had the fan going in the bedroom) or if the move was prompted by the mess the kittens were making on the shelf (kibble everywhere). Nevertheless, the little balls of fluff now have a bit more independence to go exploring at will. When I got home from work today they were ready to pose for a few shots as they strutted their stuff. Enjoy!